Jobs Summit for Broadmeadows:
“Local Jobs for Local People” is the themes of an Economic and Cultural Development Summit to be hosted by Broadmeadows MP, Frank McGuire.
Unemployment in Broadmeadows has reached the point of being a social disaster under the Napthine and Abbott Coalition Governments.
“At 26.4 per cent it is now the highest in Victoria, higher than Spain and equal to Greece, countries suffering the worst jobless rates among developed nations,” Mr McGuire said.
“The Australian Government’s figures from the Employment Department do not reveal youth unemployment or how many 16-24 year olds are disengaged, neither working nor learning, but they will be perilously high.”
I have driven a strategy to help coordinate local jobs for the people of Broadmeadows and am calling on all tiers of Government, business and education institutions to build on this approach.
A Jobs Fair would be part of the strategy and is important to promote about 1,000 jobs soon to be created by the opening of the Toll and TNT freight and logistics distribution warehouse near Melbourne Airport.
“My aim is to give the people of Broadmeadows the best chance to secure these jobs,” Mr McGuire said.
It is the next initiative in the “Local Jobs for Local People” strategy which recently launched the Joblink Portal for Melbourne Airport, the biggest employer in Melbourne’s North.
“This issue is vital for our community and too important for politics” Mr McGuire said.
That’s why I invited Victoria’s Chief Commissioner of Police, Ken Lay to attend the Economic and Cultural Development Summit during the recent Business Breakfast hosted by Hume City Council.
The Chief Commissioner worked in Broadmeadows earlier in his career and I’m delighted that he accepted my public invitation at this critical time for our community.
The aim is to establish a co-ordinated strategy to help job creation, lifelong learning and crime prevention.
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