Local Jobs for Local People:

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Joblink Launch 2


“Local Jobs for Local People” was the theme of the official launch of the Melbourne Airport’s Joblink portal.

Broadmeadows MP Frank McGuire originally called for this policy initiative with Melbourne Airport and Hume City Council

“I’m delighted that we have created better opportunities for local people and particularly the youth of area given that unemployment in Broadmeadows is now officially at 26.4%, which is worse than Spain and equal to Greece,” Broadmeadows MP Frank McGuire said. “Youth Unemployment with be even higher which is perilous.”

“I’m committed to continuing to develop opportunities for lifelong learning, jobs and growth. This has never been more important than now given the cruel impact of the Napthine Government’s policies on our community.”

The Joblink site collates job advertisements from employment websites and local organisations operating at Melbourne Airport and in the surrounding suburbs. Melbourne airport and their operations support almost 10,000 jobs within the local communities and more than 200 businesses operate from Melbourne Airport.

This links with Labor’s strategy to deliver 100,000 jobs statewide and investing in TAFE after the Napthine Coalition cut $25 million from Kangan Institute.

Families in Broadmeadows were also hardest hit by the Abbott Government’s budget, according to the analysis of Canberra University.

“Only Labor delivers for our community” Mr McGuire said. “This is why it’s critical to vote for Labor at the November 29 election.”

Joblink Launch 1

Joblink Launch 3

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