Premier’s Spirit of Anzac Prize (SOAP) 2017-18 Topics and Entries now open:
This year, students have the opportunity to select from one of three topics:
Topic 1: “All war is a symptom of man’s failure as a thinking animal” comment/respond to John Steinbeck’s view of war
Topic 2: What impact did WWI or WWII or the Vietnam War have on Australian Society? (students to select one of these conflicts)
Topic 3: What does the “Anzac spirit” mean today in a diverse and multicultural Australia?
I encourage all year 9 and 10 students in our community to enter.
Student entries close on Monday 2 October 2017. Further details about the Prize and how to apply are available at
Secondary School teachers are welcome to apply to be chaperones on the study tours. Further details and how to apply for a teacher chaperone position are available at
BroadmeadowsIn the Community