Youth Jobs in Footy:

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Youth Jobs in Footy


New jobs in football will be based in Broadmeadows through a new collaboration, Broadmeadows MP Frank McGuire announced today.

A satellite umpires training base will commence at Jacana Reserve on Monday, February 23 in 2015.

“This new initiative will provide local youth with the opportunity to earn good money over the weekend, keep themselves fit and play a vital role in saving footy in its backyard,” Mr McGuire said. “With unemployment is 26.4%, higher than Spain and equal to Greece and youth unemployment will be perilously high so this program is a welcome opportunity.”

There are more than 400 registered umpires in the Essendon District Football League and continued growth is paramount to sustain the game in this region. Broadmeadows has been identified as an ideal location for an Umpires Academy.

The training base is a joint partnership between the Essendon District Football League, Broadmeadows MP Frank McGuire, Jacana Football Club, Hume Youth Services and other community partners.

The satellite training base will also provide the Broadmeadows community with opportunities to –

–       Earn part-time income

–       Improve health and fitness

–       Develop leadership and communication skills

–       Deliver a career pathway into AFL Umpiring

Mr McGuire said the EDFL Head of Umpiring Rowan Sawers personifies the career path that umpiring can deliver. He has won widespread community respect after officiating in more than 400 VFL/AFL games including 4 grand finals. He also had the honor of umpiring two International rules tours of Ireland and has been inducted into the AFL Hall of Fame.
Mr Sawers believes that umpiring is a constructive opportunity for all people to be involved in Australian Rules Football. “We are excited about being able to bring umpiring to the community of Broadmeadows.”

Anyone who is interested in applying should contact

or Rowan Sawers on 0434 689 690 or [email protected]

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