Broadmeadows Electorate Schools To Benefit From Funding:

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Monday, 22 October 2018

Victorian students at more than 480 schools across the State will soon benefit from having maintenance works carried out at their schools thanks to the Andrews Labor Government.

Minister for Education, James Merlino, has announced the schools would share in $20 million of Planned Maintenance Program funding to help address their various maintenance needs.

The Planned Maintenance Program (PMP) provides funding for vital maintenance works based on need.

Frank McGuire, State Member for Broadmeadows, has reported that the following schools in the Broadmeadows electorate will receive $230,000 for maintenance works:

School Funding Project Source Scope of Works
John Fawkner College $30,000 Rolling Facilities Evaluation Initial funding for School Maintenance Plan based on the outcomes of the Rolling Facilities Evaluation
Meadow Heights Primary School $125,000 Operations & Programs Maintenance works to roof of Block E, Portable 6276 and the flooring of the Gym
Moomba Park Primary School $75,000 Operations & Programs Maintenance works to roof and windows of Block A

A new evaluation system was put in place earlier this year to provide more up-to-date information on the condition of school infrastructure to create a more timely and targeted allocation of PMP funding.

The $20 million announcement also includes a Bushfire Vegetation Clearance Supplement for schools included on the Department of Education and Training’s 2018 Bushfire At-Risk Register (BARR).

The last four State Budgets have allocated more than $3.8 billion to school facilities to ensure the right school infrastructure is in place to meet teacher, student and school community needs.

The Liberals slashed $1 billion out of our education system, leaving schools to crumble and decay across the state.

The Labor Government is building the Education State so every Victorian student can get a great education and every community has access to a great local school.

The Victorian School Building Authority will now start working with these schools to determine the scope of their maintenance needs and how they can best be delivered. 

Quotes Attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino

“All Victorian students should have access to a great school no matter where they live – so we are investing in important maintenance to schools, so students have the first-rate facilities they deserve.”

A high-quality education system must be matched by high-quality learning environments, so students have every opportunity to reach their full potential.”

“Our record investment in school infrastructure is part of our commitment to keep delivering for our hard-working school communities, their students and families.”

GeneralMedia Release
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