Community Harmony Program To Boost Social Cohesion In Hume Area:

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Monday, 22 October 2018

The Andrew Labor Government has announced $4,000 in new funding to strengthen relationships between diverse communities in the Hume area.

Frank McGuire, State Member of Parliament for Broadmeadows, announced that Melbourne Health, based in Johnstone Street, Broadmeadows, will receive $2,000 per year over a two year period for their Connect 4 Wellbeing:  Street-by-Street project.

This funding will assist in improving community mental health through promoting social connection by enabling residents in the new estates and/or housing developments in Craigieburn to meet their neighbours in their street in the fun and informal settings of a street BBQ.  The project is partnering with Neighbourhood Watch who will provide in kind support for BBQ events, and run over 2 summers with up to 30 BBQ events held each year.

“This grant will ensure support for Hume area local initiatives that respond to racism and discrimination experienced in our communities”, Mr McGuire said.

The grant will support Melbourne Health to identify and respond to social cohesion challenges, and increase intercultural and interfaith engagement and understanding.

This is among the 44 projects that will be supported through the 2018-2019 Community Harmony program the Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott announced.

Nearly 200 applications were submitted to this round of the program, from both new and established community groups across regional Victoria and metropolitan areas.

Applications were considered by an independent panel including representatives of the Victorian Multicultural Commission.

For a full list of successful applicants, visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott

“This vital program will boost social cohesion and strengthen relationships between diverse communities in the Hume local government area.”

“The 44 organisations supported through this year’s Community Harmony program will improve understanding and acceptance of Victoria’s cultural and faith diversity.”

GeneralMedia Release
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