Flexible Support For Victims Of Family Violence:
Friday, 24 August 2018
The Andrews Labor Government is doing more for thousands of family violence victim-survivors by providing practical supports to help them leave violent relationships.
Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos today announced an additional $40 million over two years for more Flexible Support Packages to assist with expenses faced by those escaping family violence.
More than 5,000 additional victim-survivors of family violence are expected to access packages up to $10,000, which can be used to cover costs like rent, home alarms, CCTV, clothing, beds, books, medication and education.
As part of the funding, Uniting (formerly Kildonan UnitingCare) will receive $1,187,652 to support victim-survivors in Hume and Moreland.
“This funding ensures that those in Hume and Moreland get the help they need to live a life free of violence”, Mr McGuire said.
Flexible support packages also help case managers work with survivors through early intervention, crisis and recovery to assist with ongoing safety, stability and rehabilitation.
The packages are delivered across Victoria in metropolitan, regional and rural areas by 19 family violence support service providers.
This funding, which was provided in the Victorian Budget 2018/19, supports the delivery of a number of recommendations of the Royal Commission into Family Violence.
“Family violence remains our scourge, and no community is immune”, Mr McGuire said.
Since announcing this initiative in January 2016, the Labor Government has allocated more than $64 million for more than 19,000 flexible support packages.
It is part of the Labor Government’s record $2.6 billion investment to boost family violence responses and improve access to help and support victim-survivors.
Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos
“The safety, security and wellbeing of victim-survivors is our top priority – that’s why we’ve invested record funding to help end family violence.”
“Every Victorian deserves to feel safe in their community. These packages help women in crisis situations escape family violence and set up a safe home for themselves and their children.”
“We want victim-survivors to regain a sense of confidence and safety after the trauma of family violence – and we will be there to support them on their journey of recovery.”
GeneralMedia Release