Broadmeadows Family Violence Community Forum:

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Family Violence Forum 6

Almost 150 women and men braved a wintry Wednesday night to provide their insights and experience of family violence to help form a submission for the Royal Commission into Australia’s biggest criminal justice concern. Broadmeadows MP Frank McGuire organised and chaired the meeting with representatives of the three tiers of government to ensure the voice of families in Melbourne’s north would be heard.

Proposed initiatives included new courses in Ethics and Communications at primary and secondary schools to help boys and girls cope better with anger and frustration before it turns into violence. A number of members of the public said that abuse was not just physical but extended to emotional and financial issues and even newly arrived migrant men restricting their wives from learning English so they would maintain control of the relationship.

Australia’s first Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence Fiona Richardson said: “Whichever way you look at it, it is clear, we are as a community and as a society well beyond crisis point and we have failed too many women, too many children, too many families to allow this to continue.” This resonated with the families in Broadmeadows who come from 160 different countries, forming a United Nations in one neighbourhood.

Labor’s representative in the Federal Parliament the Member for Calwell Maria Vamvakinou called for action from males on these issues and declared “I especially believe that men and young males should be leaders in this area because their involvement in the fight against family violence is essential to achieving positive change.”

The Member for Yuroke and former Hume Councillor Ros Spence said: “Family violence is a state-wide problem, and indeed a national crisis, and our local community is clearly affected by family violence incidents. This forum was important for the community to share their views, which will now be passed on to the Royal Commission.”

Mr McGuire was delighted with the strong turn out and the range of constructive ideas from men and women. He is coordinating the response on behalf of the local community. If anyone wants to contribute to the submission please send your initiatives to [email protected]

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