‘Music Works’ – New Grants for Victoria’s Music Industry:

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Local MP, Frank McGuire has welcomed the announcement by the Andrews Labor Government to provide support of up to $75,000 for music projects and programs across all contemporary genres in all areas across the state.

Music Works Grants, a new Creative Victoria program will boost the state’s contemporary music industry and support musicians, music managers and industry organisations to create, develop and showcase music.

Mr McGuire encourages residents to apply for the grants, which are open to everyone from newcomers to established artists and musical professionals.

“These grants are open to people in our local area who want a career in music, “Mr McGuire said.

“Music Works Grants are part of our unprecedented investment in the sector in recognition of the important role live music plays in this state, socially, economically and culturally.”

The grants are part of the Andrews Labor Government $12.2 million contemporary music package delivered in the 2015-16 Victorian Budget.

Full program details, including guidelines, sample applications and templates, are available at www.creative.vic.gov.au/musicgrants.

Music Works Grants will open for applications on 15 July and close on 12 August 2015. Projects supported in this round can start from 15 November 2015. Applicants are encouraged to speak to Creative Victoria’s music grants team before applying.

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