Pop-up job plan:

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Hume/Moreland Leader | By Kate Swan

27th April 2011

BROADMEADOWS employment service providers are considering a pop-up jobs front to connect with disengaged young people.

It is one of the ideas coming out of ELC 3047, led by new chairwoman and WISE Employment community engagement officer Liza Wheeler.

The committee plans to build on last year’s successful pilot of finding work for 30 young Broadmeadows residents in 47 days again this October.

Ms Wheeler said the group was considering moving around the shopping centre, railway station and Hume Global Learning Centre to raise attention and would seek government funding.

“It will be bigger and better but still with a heart and our aim still being to help young people into work,” she said.

“There are lots of employment agencies out there finding jobs but nobody is out there capturing these lost young people who are completely cut off.” Service providers, including Workskil, Youth Projects and Wesley Employment Services formed ELC 3047 last year to increase employment and learning opportunities.

Ms Wheeler said it was a model that had since been replicated in Craigieburn. “We are all in genuine competition but rather than getting along and doing our own thing, we are genuinely interested in banding together and making change for the better,” she said. Broadmeadows MP Frank McGuire said reducing youth unemployment needed to be a priority.

“We are asking for a fair go and a hand up, not a handout,” Mr McGuire said.

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